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Archiwum wiadomości z miasta Wrexham [zmień miasto]

Dangerous Liaisons

Autor: sebkor, 2010-05-22 00:32

Kategoria: Wydarzenia kulturalne

Theatr Stiwt Broad Street Rhosllannerchrugog Wrexham,LL14 1RB

Mappa Mundi

Dangerous Liaisons Mappa Mundi

Performance at 7.30pm

This new production of Dangerous Liaisons is a treat for the senses

Mappa Mundi is Wales' most dynamic and popular theatre company.

They recreate, in their own indomitable style the spectacle and squalor of French Society at the moment it was to change forever.

Dangerous Liaisons is sophisticated,witty, yet raucous
It is dark; sensual,and insightful. Most of all - it is very - very sexy.

Adapted from the 1782 novel by Pierre Cholderlos de Laclos.

To ensure you enter into the decedance of the evening - tickets will include pre-show treat of strawberries dipped in chocolate and a glass of 'bubbly' or fresh juice (one per person).

Although the show will not contain any bad language there will be scenes and innuendo of a sexual nature that may not be deemed suitable for those under the age of 16.

Tickets £14.50 Conc £12.50

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Nazwa miejsca: Theatr Stiwt Broad Street Rhosllannerchrugog
Miasto: Wrexham
Kod pocztowy: LL14 1RB
Data rozpoczęcia: 2010-05-22
Godz. rozpoczęcia: 1:00
Cena biletu: bezpłatne
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